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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 2. P. 607-615.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Linguistic creativity as the basis for formation of polysynthetic nominations in English language media discourse

Zakharov Oleg Igorevich
State University of Education

Submitted: 27.06.2023
Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the analysis of the phenomenon of linguistic creativity. By analyzing theoretical material related to linguistic creativity, the author emphasizes the close relationship between concepts such as word formation and linguistic creativity. The author also examines the creation of new linguistic creative units from the perspective of an anthropocentric model, where the subject is at the center. According to this model, new occasional (complex authorial) units possess a range of characteristics. The subject, utilizing complex nominative (polysynthetic) structures in the speech, such as word-phrases and word-sentences, as tools for constructing/perceiving reality and personal individualization, uses the creative potential of language. The research aim is to identify the linguistic creative nature of polysynthetic nominations in English language media discourse. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the development of an algorithm for linguistic (lexical) analysis aimed at a thorough scientific description of polysynthetic nominations and the identification of their integral and differential features. The scientific description revealed that a significant portion of the identified polysynthetic nominations in the English segment of the Internet is not documented in dictionaries. As a result, the linguistic creative nature of complex-syntactic (polysynthetic) nominations, which have become an integral part of the language system due to the active development of information and communication technologies, is uncovered.
Key words and phrases: языковая вариативность, окказиональность, сложные авторские неологизмы, идиолект, идиостиль, linguistic variability, occasionality, complex authorial neologisms, idiolect, individual style
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