Typology of Children’s Images in Modern Buryat Children’s Literature
Isakov Aleksandr Viktorovich, Serebryakova Zoya Aleksandrovna
Institute for Mongolian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies of SB RAS
East Siberian State Institute of Culture
Submitted: 10.01.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the main types of children’s images that are typical of modern Buryat children’s literature. The scientific novelty lies in the creation of the first typology of children’s images in Buryat children’s literature. As a result, it was determined that children’s images in modern Buryat children’s literature can be classified by three references: in relation to human nature, to historical time and to folklore and literary tradition. Any image can be characterized from these three aspects. For each reference, all images are divided into two mutually exclusive groups: the image of a human child and the image of an anthropomorphic animal cub, the image of a modern child and the image of a child from the past, the original image of a child and the image borrowed from the previous tradition. Each of the two types in each pair can be combined with any other types, with the exception of the “image of a child borrowed from the tradition” type: this type occurs only in combination with the types “image of a human child” and “image of a child from the past”.
Key words and phrases: образ ребёнка, антропоморфные животные, образ современного ребёнка, образ ребёнка из прошлого, фольклорный персонаж в детской литературе, image of a child, anthropomorphic animals, image of a modern child, image of a child from the past, folklore character in children’s literature
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