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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2010. № 2. P. 198-201.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Shirinova Nilufar Dzhabbarovna
Bukhara State University
Department of Uzbek Philology

Abstract. The article tackles the connection between thingness and goodness in objective reality, in human consciousness and language: а) as the syncretism of these sides in objective reality; b) as their partial ruggedness and relative independence in consciousness; c) as ruggedness and its execution in language with the help of special means. The language means of the differentiation between the meanings of thingness and goodness are classified by the author as: а) lexical-semantic and lexical-derivative; b) morphological; c) syntactic.
Key words and phrases: предметность, качественность, синкретность, дискретность, цепь перехода количественных изменений в качественные, градуонимический ряд, способы разграничения значений качественности и предметности, thingness, goodness, syncretism, discreteness, chain of transition of qualitative changes into qualitative, graduation series, ways of differentiation between the meanings of thingness and goodness
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