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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2010. № 2. P. 80-85.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Kolosovskaya Evgeniya Viktorovna
State University - Higher School of Economics
Department of the English Language

Abstract. Nowadays the global purpose of a foreign language mastering is considered to be the union with the foreign culture and the participation in cultures dialogue. This purpose is achieved due to the formation of the ability for inter-cultural competence that is acquiring the necessary level of communicative competence. The notion of communicative competence has many aspects and comprises several sub-competencies. One of the most important is considered to be the discursive competence which is the knowledge of various types of discourses and the rules of their construction and also the ability to create and understand them taking into account the communication situation.
Key words and phrases: концепция мультилингвизма, компетентностный подход, коммуникативная компетенция, компонентный состав коммуникативной компетенции, межкультурное взаимодействие, дискурс, дискурсивная компетенция, multi-linguism conception, competence approach, communicative competence, component structure of communicative competence, inter-cultural cooperation, discourse, discursive competence
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