Psychologism in the novellas by D. H. Lawrence and Tennessee Williams: A comparative aspect
Nikolaeva Marina Nikolaevna, Fedorenko Olga Yaroslavovna
Moscow City University
Submitted: 27.12.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify common and specific features in the interpretation and depiction of psychologism in the novellas by the English-speaking writers of the 20th century David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) and Tennessee Williams (1911-1983). Some Western theorists in their research note the influence of D. H. Lawrence on Tennessee Williams, observed, in particular, in a similar choice of themes in their works. Tennessee Williams recognized the importance of his British colleague’s creative method for his own writings. Nevertheless, the rich heritage of the writers in question represents an inexhaustible source for advancing new scientific goals and finding previously unexplored facets for research. The scientific originality of the study lies in establishing the fact of significant similarity in the use of the literary techniques for creating psychologism in the novellas by D. H. Lawrence and Tennessee Williams. As a result of a detailed literary analysis of the novellas, similar literary techniques of actualization of the psychological aspect were found. These techniques include the developed level of imagery in the short prose by the writers under comparison (images-characters, images-symbols), a peculiar depiction of literary time (retrospection), descriptive techniques, etc.
Key words and phrases: психологизм, новелла, внутренний мир человека, художественные приемы и выразительные средства, символизм образов, прием несобственно-прямой речи, ретроспекция, антитеза, аллюзия, psychologism, novella, inner world of a person, literary techniques and expressive means, symbolism of images, represented speech technique, retrospection, antithesis, allusion
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