Peculiarities of the Image Constituent in the Modern Media Discourse (by the Example of the English Comedy “The Joneses”)
Pankratova Svetlana Anatolyevna
Saint Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television
Submitted: 13.01.2023
Abstract. The aim of the article is the search of the answer to the question of efficiency of the persuasive impact of the iconic sign on the consumer. The object of the study is the linguistic material of the script of the film about advertising titled “The Joneses” on the subject of the description of the imagery component of the advertising activity in the film characters performance. A number of ways of products presentation are described in the article: the direct “product placement” that is the demonstration of trademarks and trade names in frame and characters’ speech, as well as the metaphoric description of the high life with the help of “stealth marketing” built in the image schemes like CAREER > BUILDING и SUCCESS > SALE. The scientific novelty of the study is in the address to the modern cognitive-psychological paradigm of the creativity, which is present in the advertising and activates the image component demonstrating visibly the upsides of products and services. Never before new technologies of the impact on the subconscious were used in films with such directness. The results obtained demonstrate that a very productive method of advertising is the use of image nomination of advertised products within the bounds of the image scheme MAN > PART OF NATURE in order to elevate the artistic value and stealthily promote things in question.
Key words and phrases: реклама, дискурс, образность, лингвистика, эффективность, advertising, discourse, imagery, linguistics, efficiency
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