“Your 18th Century. Your 19th Century. The Verge of the Ages” by N. Ya. Eidelman. Saint Petersburg: Azbuka; Azbuka-Attikus, 2023. 800 p. (Non-Fiction. Big Books): Book review
Skibin Sergey Mikhailovich
Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 05.01.2024
Abstract. In the reviewed book by Natan Yakovlevich Eidelman – a historian, literary critic, writer, publicist – the internal political life of Russia during the 18th and 19th centuries is widely presented. The book introduces readers to interesting events of Russian history, outstanding personalities, bright works of fiction, and fascinates with deep reflections on the development of Russian statehood, Russian free-thinking and the Russian intelligentsia.
Key words and phrases: Н. Я. Эйдельман, история, современные учебники по литературе, А. С. Пушкин, декабристы, N. Ya. Eidelman, history, modern textbooks on literature, A. S. Pushkin, Decembrists
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Eidel'man N. Ya. Gran' vekov. Politicheskaya bor'ba v Rossii. Konets XVIII – nachalo XIX stoletiya. M.: Mysl', 1986.
Eidel'man N. Ya. Tvoi vosemnadtsatyi vek. M.: Azbuka, 2014a.
Eidel'man N. Ya. Tvoi devyatnadtsatyi vek. M.: Azbuka, 2014b.
Eidel'man N. Ya. Tvoi XVIII vek. Tvoi XIX vek. Gran' vekov. SPb.: Azbuka; Azbuka-Attikus, 2023.