Os’mukhina Ol’ga Yur’evna, Yakunina Mariya Aleksandrovna
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to understanding the interpretation of the Gothic tradition in M. Yudenich’s novel by using the comparative historical method and the method of the holistic study of a literary work. It is found out that the work synthesizes the features of Gothic (a special closed chronotope of a house, which is an analogue of the castle chronotope; appearance of ghosts that create the atmosphere of horror and mystery; heroes-villains who determine the plot deployment) and detective novels (heroine-investigator reconstructing the events of the past and basing on logic in disclosing secrets and giving realistic motivation to what is happening).
Key words and phrases: традиция, готика, роман, М. Юденич, хронотоп, tradition, Gothic, novel, M. Yudenich, chronotope
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