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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2020. № 2. P. 57-60.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Mythological Code in the Poem "The Winged Kutkh, or the Chant of Love" by Georgy Porotov

Khazankovich Yuliya Gennad'evna
M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

Submitted: 30.09.2019
Abstract. The article reveals specificity of a mythological code identified in the process of the structural-semantic and mytho-poetic analysis of G. Porotov’s poem. The subject of the research is a mythological story about matchmaking of the Kamchatka creator - Big Raven-Kutkh. The conducted research allows concluding that the author transforms the mythological code and creates a romantic love story deliberately refusing to interpret these images within the genre traditions of the Paleo-Asian myths-tales and "mythological anecdotes" about matchmaking of Big Raven.
Key words and phrases: ительменская литература, ительменская мифология, ительменская поэзия, Георгий Поротов, Ворон-Кутх, мифологический код, сюжет о сватовстве, ительменская картина мира, Itelmen literature, Itelmen mythology, Itelmen poetry, Georgy Porotov, Raven-Kutkh, mythological code, story about matchmaking, Itelmen worldview
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