Skvortsova Natal'ya Sergeevna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Abstract. The article deals with the deep reasons for establishing relations of antonymy in the phraseology of the English language (within the framework of the antonymic concepts "success" and "failure"). The models of interrelation of opposite conceptual schemes and antonymic images involved in the formation of phraseological antonyms meanings are revealed. The analysis procedure is presented by the example of the opposite conceptual scheme "Success is Up / Failure is Down". The results of the investigation make it possible to reveal the features of the emergence of the opposition phenomenon in the symbolic space of the English language.
Key words and phrases: фразеологические антонимы, антонимические концепты, оппозиционная концептуальная схема, антонимический образ, бинарная оппозиция, синонимико-антонимическая группа, phraseological antonyms, antonymic concepts, opposite conceptual scheme, antonymic image, binary opposition, synonymous-antonymic group
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