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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 2. P. 557-563.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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The concept of SLACKTIVISM and its implementation in network discursive practices (based on the Russian, English, and French languages)

Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna
Tambov State Technical University

Submitted: 10.01.2024
Abstract. This publication is conducted in the stream of studying neology in the modern language influenced by the active use of internet communication and network discursive practices. The aim of the research is to identify the semantic and pragmatic characteristics of the linguistic realization of the concept of SLACKTIVISM. The social significance of the concept is asserted, its intersections and relationships with semantically similar concepts such as PROPAGANDA, ACTIVISM circulating in the modern networked information space are determined. The scientific novelty of the conducted research lies in providing a systematic description of a new, unstudied concept in domestic philology, on the basis of the Russian, English, and French languages. This includes accentuating the history of its emergence, the contradictory nature of its linguistic implementation in the digital discourse of new media, and network techno-discursive practices. As a result, the concept of SLACKTIVISM is portrayed as an expression of a new form of internet activity that contributes to social and political changes both on a narrow scale and in the broader geopolitical space. The linguistic level examination indicates preferences for figurative nominations and common means of representation in European languages and national-cultural specificity.
Key words and phrases: концепт, неологизм, словообразование, сетевые дискурсивные практики, concept, neologism, word formation, network discursive practices
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