The Problematics and Poetics of A. Mariengof’s Creative Work for Children (“Dachshund-Blot”, “The Prankster Ball”, “Bobka-Athlete”)
Ternova Tatiana Anatolyevna
Voronezh State University
Submitted: 05.01.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study - to identify the contribution of A. Mariengof to children’s literature - is achieved in the article by analysing the specifics of titles, plot organization, characters, poetic devices in the poems “Dachshund-Blot”, “The Prankster Ball” and the cycle “Bobka-Athlete”. The correlation of A. Mariengof’s texts with the later works of S. Marshak is established. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the analysed material for the first time becomes the subject of literary research, the texts of A. Mariengof and S. Marshak for children are compared, the connection between the works of A. Mariengof for children and the works of the poet of the Imagist period is revealed, the techniques used by the author to attract the attention of children’s readership are indicated. As a result, it is proved that A. Mariengof’s poems for children contributed to the formation of Soviet children’s literature, because in a number of cases, the author used or even foresaw techniques that were later fixed as indicative of such texts (veiled didacticism, humour, game motifs, plot entertainment, attention to the objective world, etc.).
Key words and phrases: А. Мариенгоф, С. Маршак, детская литература, поэтика, русская литература ХХ века, имажинизм, A. Mariengof, S. Marshak, children’s literature, poetics, Russian literature of the XX century, imagism
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