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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2008. № 2. P. 46-49.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Kadochnikova I. S.
Udmurt State University

Abstract. In the article New Year and spring plots of Levitansky's lyrics through the prism of the myth about eternal returning are considered. The researcher comes to the conclusion about the harmonicity of the artistic system of the poet due to the actualization of cosmogonic idea in it.
Key words and phrases: новогодний и весенний сюжеты лирики Левитанского, миф о вечном возвращении, гармоничность художественной системы поэта, космогоническая идея, New Year and spring plots of Levitansky's lyrics, myth about eternal returning, harmonicity of a poet's artistic system, cosmogonic idea
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