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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2021. № 2. P. 558-562.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Speech Generation Process Control Using Sensory Feedback Mechanism

Kaganov Alexander Shlemovich
Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Submitted: 15.12.2020
Abstract. The research objective is as follows: to develop methodology and technology of laboratory experiments on the speech generation process control using the sensory feedback mechanism. The experiments are based on innovative technologies that allow the researcher to control the speaker’s articulatory process, and herein lies scientific originality of the study. The experiment results conclusively indicate that the sensory correction technique, or the sensory feedback technique (the cybernetic term), can be efficiently used to control the speech generation process.
Key words and phrases: звучащая речь, криминалистическая идентификация, лабораторный эксперимент, сенсорная коррекция, функционально-динамические комплексы навыков, living speech, criminalistic identification, laboratory experiment, sensory correction, functional dynamic complexes of sounding speech verbal skills
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