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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2019. № 2. P. 202-205.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Samokhvalova Ol’ga Pavlovna
Surgut State Pedagogical University

Submitted: 28.09.2018
Abstract. The article describes the linguistic features of the prose for children by the indigenous writer Vladimir Enov, which fully reflects the Khanty’s worldview, the peculiarities of the national culture, life, language. The work is carried out directly on the basis of Vladimir Enov’s texts. The paper analyses the means of literary expression in his works, considers lexical and grammatical features, folklore motives, syntactic figures, stylistics and poetics of folk speech and studies the idiostyle peculiarities of the regional writer Vladimir Enov, which have become a subject of the special description for the first time.
Key words and phrases: языковые особенности, Енов, проза, средства художественной выразительности, язык, культура, ханты, фольклор, linguistic features, Enov, prose, means of literary expression, language, culture, the Khanty, folklore
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