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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 5. Part 1. P. 153-156.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Saifulina Flera Sagitovna, Yakupova Liliya Talgatovna
Kazan Federal University

Abstract. In the article the contribution of the journal " Казан утлары" (Kazan Lights) into the development of the Tatar national literary criticism is studied. This journal is the only edition with 90-year history, which has been published since the 20s of the XX century till nowadays. The genre classification and analysis of the critical articles that have been published in the considered journal during last 30 years (since 1980 up to date) will give an opportunity to follow the condition of the national literary-critical process of the last quarter of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century that is the novelty of this paper.
Key words and phrases: литературоведение, история литературы и критики, жанры литературной критики, аннотация, отзыв, рецензия, literary criticism, history of literature and criticism, genres of literary criticism, annotation, comment, review
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