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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2010. № 2. P. 101-105.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Malzurova Lyubov Tsydypovna
Buryat State University
Department of Philology and Teaching Technique

Abstract. The article highlights the Buryat historical legends about the people known for their deeds: prophecy for the benefit of people, great strength, good deeds in the name of protecting the homeland and shows people's attitude to their actions. The paper also identifies the distinctive features of legends and stories by the example of the considered works. The characters like Sodoi Lama, Hastan, Sagan Zarin, Dugaray Namsaray became popular during their lifetime, so the stories about them, not being forgotten, passed on from generation to generation, gathering new artistic details, and continue to exist among people nowadays.
Key words and phrases: исторические предания, активное бытование, пророчество, силачи, сильные личности, historical legends, active existence, prophecy, athletes, strong personalities
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