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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2023. № 2. P. 567-571.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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George Orwell’s Newspeak in the Modern Translations of the Dystopian Novel “1984” (Approaches Used by R. V. Grishchenkov and I. N. Mizinina)

Samokhin Ivan Sergeyevich, Sokolova Natalia Leonidovna, Glushchenko Artyom Olegovich
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Submitted: 07.01.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the specifics of conveying the author’s lexical novelties in R. V. Grishchenkov’s and I. N. Mizinina’s translations of George Orwell’s novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four”. The main focus is on the units of “Newspeak”, given in the appendix to the dystopia. The study is original due to the fact that it is the first to assess the nonce words translation considering the role of associations which are absent in the initial lexemes but do not contradict their general semantics and connotative field. As a result, it was established that both translations involved the use of such methods as reduction, interfixation, transliteration, calquing and replacement of the elements of a compound lexeme. The paper also detected the violation of the main principle of “Newspeak”, which does not allow a word to include more than four syllables. Rendering most novelties, R. V. Grishchenkov and I. N. Mizinina consider the principles of euphony and semantic transparency of the constituents. However, the study revealed the repeated retreat from the principle of morphological consistency (under which the same morphemes within nonce words should not be conveyed differently).
Key words and phrases: роман «1984», Джордж Оруэлл, перевод, новояз, окказионализмы, novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, George Orwell, translation, Newspeak, nonce words
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