The Russian Emigration of the XX Century in China: Specificity of Poetical Works of V. Pereleshin, A. Nesmelov and A. Achair
Pei Jiamin
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 16.01.2020
Abstract. The article is devoted to analysing poetical works of A. Nesmelov, A. Achair and V. Pereleshin as outstanding representatives of the Russian emigration of the XX century in China. To achieve the research objectives, the author examines peculiarities of their artistic worlds, form and content of creative work in the context of the ?migr? literature. Relevance and scientific originality of the paper lie in the fact that the author applies the integrated approach to analysing the creative work of the ?migr? poets in the context of studying the problem of preserving the Russian national culture in China. It is shown that the ?migr? poets did not seek to find new formats of verse content and structure but aspired to preserve traditions of the Russian classical and modern literature.
Key words and phrases: русская эмиграция, поэтическое творчество, поэты-эмигранты, Валерий Перелешин, Арсений Несмелов, Алексей Ачаир, художественные образы, литературная традиция, Russian emigration, poetry, ?migr? poets, Valery Pereleshin, Arseniy Nesmelov, Alexey Achair, artistic images, literary tradition
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