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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2010. № 2. P. 160-163.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Susloparova Galina Dmitrievna
Moscow State University
Department of the XXth Century Russian Literature History

Abstract. The article tackles the problem of the development of utopian language projects in the literary practice of the Russian futurism. The author proves the connection between the manifests of A. Kruchenyh, V. Hlebnikov, V. Mayakovskiy, D. Burlyuk and others and P. D. Uspenskiy's philosophical guidelines (Tertium Organum. The key to the world mysteries) and other theories connected with the relative character of space and time. Also the interconnection between the poetics of these authors and the utopian projects in the sphere of philosophy and language is considered.
Key words and phrases: лингвистическая утопия, утопия в футуризме, А. Крученых, футуризм, В. Хлебников, Р. Якобсон, П. Д. Успенский, русский литературный авангард, linguistic utopia, utopia in futurism, A. Kruchenyh, futurism, V. Hlebnikov, R. Jakobson, P. D. Uspenskiy, Russian literary avant-garde
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