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Folklore of the Volga and Ural Regions: Genres, Poetics, Study Problems / compiler and editor G. G. Il'ina. Cheboksary, 2021: Opinion Paper Myshkina Albina Fedorovna, Rodionov Vitaly Grigorievich
| 2067-2069 |
Philological Sciences |
Tao Universal in O. E. Mandelstam’s Early Works Buraia Mariia Anatol’evna, Shi Yuchen
| 2070-2074 |
Philological Sciences |
The Early NEP Culture in N. Lukhmanov’s Perception (Based on the Poem "Corns of Moscow") Kozlov Dmitry Alexandrovich
| 2075-2079 |
Philological Sciences |
Representation of Theme of Developing New Forms of Social Life in F. I. Panferov’s Book of Essays "In the Early Morning" (1927): By the Example of the Essays "Markel" and "In the Early Morning" Kultysheva Olga Mikhailovna, Rashchupkina Olga Stanislavovna
| 2080-2085 |
Philological Sciences |
Pontifical Power as Roman Catholic Idea Realization in F. M. Dostoevsky’s Perception in the 1860-1870s Murzina Svetlana Vladimirovna
| 2086-2091 |
Philological Sciences |
Christmas Theme in N. P. Wagner’s Story "Telepen" Norina Natalia Viktorovna
| 2092-2099 |
Philological Sciences |
Lloyd George’s Satirical Image in the Russian Diaspora’s Periodicals in the First Half of the 1920s Sviridov Vladislav Yurievich
| 2100-2104 |
Philological Sciences |
Tsar David’s Image Evolution in the Russian Poetry of the 17th-20th Centuries. Features of the Psalmist’s Image Perception by Russian Poets Khimich Galina Alexandrovna
| 2105-2110 |
Philological Sciences |
Structure and Genre-Thematic Features of R. Gamzatov’s Poetic Collection "In the Midday Heat in the Valley of Dagestan" Nabigulaeva Marjanat Nabigulaena
| 2111-2118 |
Philological Sciences |
Naki Isanbet’s Media Image in the Aspect of His Creative Work Interpretation Khabutdinova Mileusha Mukhametsyanovna
| 2119-2123 |
Philological Sciences |
Symbolism vs Expressionism (by the Example of D. B. Khetagurov’s Poem "Арв?нг?с" ("Skylike")) Khetagurova Dzerassa Kazbekovna
| 2124-2130 |
Philological Sciences |
A. I. Yatsimirsky - Researcher of W. Sieroszewski’s and A. Szymanski’s Creative Activity Emelianov Igor Stepanovich
| 2131-2136 |
Philological Sciences |
Children’s Images in Manuel Rivas’s Works about the Civil War and the Francoist Dictatorship Ivanova Nina Vladimirovna
| 2137-2142 |
Philological Sciences |
Gender Stereotypes in Ayn Rand’s Novels Mirasova Kamila Naeelovna
| 2143-2148 |
Philological Sciences |
Features of the Gothic Tradition Interpretation in H. P. Lovecraft’s Creative Work (Based on the Material of "The Outsider" Story) Morshchinskiy Vladislav Sergeevich, Cheresyuk Polina Andreevna
| 2149-2153 |
Philological Sciences |
Biographical Foundations of Jeffrey Eugenides’s Creative Worldview Petrova Anna Alekseevna
| 2154-2158 |
Philological Sciences |
Genre Code of "Terrible Short Story" in I. S. Turgenev’s "Klara Milich" Pogadai Elena Vladimirovna
| 2159-2163 |
Philological Sciences |
Bekasova E. N. A Learner’s Guide to the Old Slavic Language. Brno: Tribun EU, 2021. 119 p.: Opinion Paper Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 2165-2166 |
Philological Sciences |
Expressive Syntax of the English Language: A Systematic Review Vorobyova Yelena Nickolaevna
| 2167-2173 |
Philological Sciences |
The Ability of Russian Particles to Communicate the Semantics of the Extreme: An Analytical Review Klyushina Alena Mikhailovna
| 2174-2182 |
Philological Sciences |
Author’s Reconsideration of Phraseological Units in M. Zoshchenko’s Prose Kabanova Svetlana Aleksandrovna
| 2183-2188 |
Philological Sciences |
Structural Characteristics of One-Lexeme Nominations as a Fragment of Typological Passports of Medical Terminology Systems Kazarina Svetlana Georgievna, Gulyaeva Tatyana Urevna
| 2189-2193 |
Philological Sciences |
Work on a New Spelling Code (Based on the Use of Capital Letters in Official Names) Ponomareva Natalya Ivanovna
| 2194-2198 |
Philological Sciences |
DREAM Concept in the Novel "Ladoga" by O. Grigorieva Usacheva Olga Alexandrovna, Chernyavskaya Nadezhda Anatolievna, Makunina Daria Sergeevna
| 2199-2204 |
Philological Sciences |
Linguistic Representation of Maslenitsa Rite of Roping Blocks in the Kuban Tradition Finko Olga Sergeevna
| 2205-2209 |
Philological Sciences |
Compound Adjectives of Subordinating Type in the Hungarian Language Ariskina Tatyana Pavlovna
| 2210-2213 |
Philological Sciences |
Locative Meanings of Words with ‘пурэбэ’ and ‘албэ’ Components in the Tundra Yukaghir Language Kurilova Ladina Gavrilovna
| 2214-2218 |
Philological Sciences |
Semantics of the Verb ‘Touch’ in the Ob-Ugric Languages Nakhracheva Galina Leonidovna
| 2219-2223 |
Philological Sciences |
Cognitive Understanding of the Semantic Field "Й?ш" / "Age" in the Bashkir Language (by the Material of Monosyllabic Stems) Nigamatova Albina Alfredovna
| 2224-2227 |
Philological Sciences |
Features of Word Formation in the Modern Udmurt Language Strelkova Olga Borisovna
| 2228-2231 |
Philological Sciences |
Colour Triad "Black - White - Red" in the Adyghe Worldview and Its Functioning in Artistic Discourse Haraeva Larisa Hanbievna, Ezaova Madina Yurievna, Shugusheva Dzhuleta Habasovna
| 2232-2238 |
Philological Sciences |
Contextual Implementation of Sound-Descriptive Words of the English Language Alkenova Sayazhan Nikolaevna
| 2239-2244 |
Philological Sciences |
William Morris’s "The Wood beyond the World": Possibilities of Reading and Translating from English into Russian Aristov Aleksei Yur’evich
| 2245-2250 |
Philological Sciences |
Phraseological Units with Zoonym Components in the Australian English Language Badmaeva Elena Sodnomovna, Shaglanova Elena Andreevna, Burtseva Elvira Vitalyevna
| 2251-2257 |
Philological Sciences |
Non-Trivial Types of Semantic Derivation in Colloquial and Youth Vocabulary of the Modern German Language Bojkova Irina Borissovna
| 2258-2266 |
Philological Sciences |
Synsemantic Exponents of Category of Cause in the American Political Discourse Butenko Tatiana Anatolievna
| 2267-2271 |
Philological Sciences |
Role of Food and Clothes Names in Creating the Russians’ Image in English-Language Travel Notes about Russia in the 19th Century Gladkova Olga Khvtisovna
| 2272-2278 |
Philological Sciences |
Verbalisation of Acoustic Images in P. Pabst’s Novel "Ich sehe das, was ihr nicht seht. Eine blinde Strafverteidigerin geht ihren Weg" / "I See What You Cannot See. Blind Female Criminal Defense Lawyer Goes Her Own Way" Ladosha Oksana Mikhailovna
| 2279-2284 |
Philological Sciences |
Theoretical Foundations of the Grammatical System of English for Radiotelephony Communication in Aviation Lysenko Sergey Vladimirovich
| 2285-2290 |
Philological Sciences |
Borrowings as a Part of Phraseological Units of Insular Russian-German Dialects Moskalyuk Larisa Ivanovna, Moskalyuk Olga Sergeevna
| 2291-2294 |
Philological Sciences |
Proper Names as Lexical Means of Implementing BUSINESSMAN Concept in Charles Dickens’s "Dombey and Son" Nesterova Tatiana Gennadievna, Remizova Valentina Fyodorovna
| 2295-2300 |
Philological Sciences |
Linguistic and Socio-Cultural Features of Hedging in Scientific Discourse (by the Material of Texts of English-Language Scientific Articles on Economics) Svetaylov Boris Vladimirovich
| 2301-2306 |
Philological Sciences |
Communicative Aspect of Modified Proverbs Translation from German into Russian Shitikova Anzhelika Vladimirovna
| 2307-2311 |
Philological Sciences |
Thematic Sphere "Computer Technologies" at System-Linguistic Level by the Materials of Non-Special Dictionaries of the Russian and English Languages Balashova Darya Yurievna
| 2312-2318 |
Philological Sciences |
Virus Metaphor in Marketing Communication Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna, Kopelnik Vladislava Igorevna
| 2319-2322 |
Philological Sciences |
Linguo-Cognitive Representation of Oppositive Concepts RUSSIAN WORLD - CANCEL CULTURE Zdanovskaya Lidiya Borisovna
| 2323-2327 |
Philological Sciences |
Polysemy in Computer Linguistics Terminology Polshchykova Olga Nikolaevna
| 2328-2332 |
Philological Sciences |
Plato’s Linguistic Personality and "Cave" Idealism Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Kugan Ekaterina Ivanovna
| 2333-2340 |
Philological Sciences |
Neologism Emotivity in the Coronavirus Period Semerdzhidi Valentina Nikolaevna, Resepova Victoria Konstantinovna
| 2341-2344 |
Philological Sciences |
Discursive Specificity of Modal and Evaluative Meanings Manifestation in Texts of Regulatory Legal Acts (by the Material of the English and Russian Languages) Shashkova Valentina Nikolaevna
| 2345-2351 |
Philological Sciences |
"Rule - Example" Correlation in Time Category Description in the French Grammars of the XVI-XVIII Centuries Shcherbinin Andrei Yurievich
| 2352-2357 |
Philological Sciences |
Determination of Adequacy Degree of Poetic Text Translation by the Example of Interpretation of M. Yu. Lermontov’s Poem "I Come out to the Path" into English Gasanova Farida Rauf kizi
| 2358-2363 |
Philological Sciences |
Comparative Analysis of Translating Socio-Cultural Component of the English Literary Text into the Russian Language (by the Example of Ch. P. Snow’s Novel "Corridors of Power") Epifantseva Natalia Glebovna, Tsepeleva Alina Nikolaevna
| 2364-2368 |
Philological Sciences |
Creative Neologisms as a Result of Hybrid Word Formation in the German and Russian Colloquial Speech Zavalishina Liia Viktorovna, Nefedova Lyubov Arkadyevna
| 2369-2374 |
Philological Sciences |
Case Form of Substantives of Aspectual Semantics of Initial Phase in the English and Russian Languages Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
| 2375-2379 |
Philological Sciences |
Linguocultural Specificity of the Speech Act of Apology in the Chinese Language Selezneva Natalia Victorovna
| 2380-2384 |
Philological Sciences |
Voice Category in the Course of the Russian Morphology for Turkic-Speaking Philology Students Kurbanova Zukhra Rashidovna, Fatkhutdinova Venera Gabdulkhakovna
| 2385-2390 |
Pedagogical Sciences |
Using Video Advertisements as a Means of Sociocultural Competence Formation in Students of a Language University When Teaching French Ostroumova Olga Fedorovna, Ostroumov Alexandr Ivanovich
| 2391-2396 |
Pedagogical Sciences |
Teaching Foreign University Students to Write a Library-Research Review Paper in Russian as a Foreign Language Classes (Scientific Style of Speech) Sitsyna-Kudryavtseva Alevtina Nikolaevna
| 2397-2402 |
Pedagogical Sciences |
Inclusion of Internet Services in the System of Teaching the Russian Language Grammar to Foreign Students Skobelkina Natalia Mikhaylovna, Zakharova Yekaterina Vasilievna, Pulyaevskaya Alexsandra Mikhaylovna
| 2403-2408 |
Pedagogical Sciences |