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Koshkina Elena Gennad'evna
National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
This article describes the most effective ways of semantization promoting the conscious use of studied lexical units in speech practice. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the translational and non-translational methods of vocabulary semantization and in the context of the latter - the visual (photos, gestures, diagrams, graphical support and others) and verbal (definitions, context, description, prediction and others) ways of new words introduction. A need for the disclosure, in the process of semantization, of studied words associative links, paradigmatic, syntagmatic and semantic, is emphasized. The traditional and functional strategies of teaching foreign language vocabulary are also discussed, a conclusion is made about the leading role of function under the condition of mastering the meaning, function and form of a foreign word in their integrity.
Key words and phrases:
способы семантизации лексики, переводной и беспереводной способы семантизации, визуальный и вербальный способы семантизации, семантические карты, семантические решетки, семантические блоки, прием компонентного семантического анализа, иерархические диаграммы, градиентные или линейные построения слов, сознательное использование семантизированной лексики, традиционная и функциональная стратегии обучения иноязычной лексике, vocabulary semantization method, translational and non-translational semantization methods, visual and verbal semantization methods, semantic cards, semantic lattices, semantic units, method of component semantic analysis, hierarchical diagrams, gradient or linear word building, conscious use of semantized vocabulary, traditional and functional strategies of teaching foreign language vocabulary
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