Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

SOURCE:    Almanac of Modern Science and Education. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. Issue 1. P. 87-90
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Technical Sciences
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Obukhov Pavel Serafimovich, Ivanov Stanislav Valer'evich, Gvindzhiliya Valeriya Enverievna, Sanygin Il'ya Aleksandrovich
Don State Technical University

Abstract. The article discusses a way to solve the inverse dynamics problem with the minimization of Krasovskii’s observations residual functional. On the basis of the approach of solving the inverse problems of the recovery of the dynamic system state through indirect observations the authors disclosed an algorithm for estimating the parameters of the movement of an aircraft according to the trajectory measurements. Simulation proved a possibility of obtaining the satisfactory estimations of the parameters of motion for aircrafts presented by nonlinear models and nonlinear observations.
Key words and phrases: параметры движения летательного аппарата, имитационное моделирование, нелинейные модели, оценка состояния, функционал Красовского, состояния динамической системы, motion parameters of aircraft, simulation, nonlinear models, state assessment, Krasovskii’s functional, states of dynamic system
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