Asriyan Ol'ga Borisovna, Shcherbinina Valentina Andreevna
Pacific State Medical University
Abstract. The article presents results of an empirical research of professional reflexion of the 2nd-year and 5th-year students of the speciality "General Medicine". The results show that the 2nd-year students have a developed level of reflexivity and prefer socially significant characteristics of the profession, its prestige and relevance. In turn, the 5th-year students have an underdeveloped level of reflexivity, thus point out that qualification, education, competence of the future professional are quite important.
Key words and phrases: рефлексия, профессиональная рефлексия, профессиональное становление, профессия врача, студенты, reflexion, professional reflexion, professional development, medical profession, students
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