Dauletkulova Aigul Utegenovna, Serikbai Saule
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University in Almaty
Abstract. The article describes Kazakhstan schools experience of teaching to solve textual tasks in the conditions of continuity of Mathematics study and interrelationship of different solution methods. The paper presents general skills, which include the arithmetic method of tasks solution and actions appropriate to the algebraic and geometric methods of textual tasks solution. It is proved that the primary means of formation of actions and their set are exercises organically connected with the content of the existing Mathematics textbooks for primary and secondary schools.
Key words and phrases: текстовые задачи, преемственность, формирование общих умений, алгебраический метод решения, арифметический метод решения, диаграммы, пропедевтика, textual tasks, continuity, formation of general skills, algebraic method of solution, arithmetic method of solution, diagrams, propaedeutic
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