Stetskevich Mikhail Stanislavovich
Saint Petersburg University
Abstract. The subject of the article is an analysis of the religious and political situation in England and Ireland carried out by the outstanding French political thinker of the XIX century A. de Tocqueville. Tocqueville, who always emphasized a significant social role of religion, marked the main problems faced by the state Church of England and the Irish Catholics and Protestants. The conclusion is that Tocqueville’s travel notes are of interest as a source of information about the religious and political history of England and Ireland and as a document showing dynamics of development of his ideas about the role of religion in the political process as a whole.
Key words and phrases: А. де Токвиль, Церковь Англии, Римско-католическая церковь, Ирландия, демократия, A. de Tocqueville, Church of England, Roman Catholic Church, Ireland, democracy
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