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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2023. № 2. P. 640-644.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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Micro-Learning as a Technology for Teaching a Foreign Language in a Non-Linguistic University

Didenko Elvira Nikolaevna
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Submitted: 21.12.2022
Abstract. The aim of the work is to identify the features of micro-learning technology application in the foreign language education of students mastering the programs of non-linguistic universities. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a special approach to the definition of the notion of “micro-learning”, which is considered within the framework of the study as a technology that finds its application both in full-time and blended learning formats, and in the context of implementing a distance format of interaction between a foreign language teacher and a student audience. In the article, the author solves a number of tasks aimed at: studying the scientific experience of researchers on the problem of applying micro-learning in the practice of Russian non-linguistic universities; description of general approaches to the interpretation of the term “micro-learning”, presentation of the main characteristics of the named technology; determination of the advantages and disadvantages of such a format for organizing work in foreign language education of students, including distance learning; substantiation of micro-learning effectiveness in teaching English to students of non-linguistic universities. As a result of the work, it has been revealed that micro-learning can be used in the organization of the educational process of the university, since it meets the educational needs of a modern student. The paper outlines a range of methodological recommendations on the use of the technology under consideration in the framework of the educational process in a foreign language in higher education.
Key words and phrases: микрообучение, лингводидактика, иностранный язык, английский язык, высшее образование, micro-learning, linguodidactics, foreign language, English language, higher education
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