Dolzhenkov Valerii Nikolaevich
Russian State Social University; Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Submitted: 28.10.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to a relevant problem of methodological contradictions in the process of foreign language teaching. The study focuses on analysing teaching methods against the background of their contradictions. The author proposes a new approach to studying teaching methods putting an emphasis on the synthesis of general and special methods considering their level of abstraction and importance, mentioning different approaches to the process of foreign language acquisition; this problem is poorly investigated and requires further study. The analysis of general and special methods of teaching allows identifying the factors for raising the efficiency of foreign language teaching. The paper proposes a broader interpretation of the term "exercise", which includes actions focused on efficient foreign language acquisition; reveals the content of the notion "activity" as a highly abstract methodological concept, which allows deeper understanding of the process of foreign language teaching. Summing it up, the author concludes about the causes of the existing contradictions.
Key words and phrases: методы обучения, анализ, синтез, иностранный язык, уровень, усвоение, противоречия, methods of teaching, analysis, synthesis, foreign language, level, acquisition, contradictions
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