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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2022. № 1.
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index
Article Pages Section
Current Issues of Teacher Education in the Era of Digital Transformation: A Theoretical Review
Bermus Aleksandr Grigorievich
1-10 Pedagogical Sciences
Animated Pedagogy in Primary School: Ways to Meet Modern Educational Objectives
Dzhafarova Oksana Sergeevna
11-15 Pedagogical Sciences
Improvement and Development of Educational Activities of the School in Working with Migrant Students
Rybakova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
16-24 Pedagogical Sciences
Conditions of Educational Process Intensification
Iakupov Filaret Abdullovich
25-30 Pedagogical Sciences
Using the Educational Quest as a Form of Control during Russian as a Foreign Language Classes
Antipova Irina Alexandrovna, Sidorova Olga Yurievna
31-37 Pedagogical Sciences
Features of Organising Educational Communication in the Setting of Using the Virtual Reality Technology
Zhigalova Olga Pavlovna
38-43 Pedagogical Sciences
Digital Media as a Means for Forming Foreign-Language Communicative Competence and Universal Skills in Students of Non-Linguistic Universities
Kodrle Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, Savchenko Anna Aleksandrovna
44-50 Pedagogical Sciences
Compensatory Competence Development When Teaching English-Speaking Skills to General Secondary School Students
Korzun Oksana Olegovna, Shtanko Elena Victorovna
51-57 Pedagogical Sciences
Speech Competence as an Object of Mastery When Teaching Foreign-Language Written Dialogic Communication to Undergraduate Students (by the Example of the English Language)
Panchenko Yury Yurievich
58-65 Pedagogical Sciences
Professional Component of the Content of Architecture Students’ Foreign Language Training
Tarabarina Yulia Alekseevna
66-73 Pedagogical Sciences
Students’ Toponymic Literacy Formation Based on a Linguogeographical Passport, a Linguoregional Portrait and a Linguocultural Biography of a Regional Toponymic Object
Khabibullina Flera Yakhyatovna, Ivanova Iraida Gennadievna
74-82 Pedagogical Sciences
Professional Deformations of Teachers at Regional Universities
Boltenkov Nikolay Vladimirovich, Grinko Andrey Aleksandrovich
83-89 Pedagogical Sciences
The Concept of Design Competence Formation in Future Bachelors of Applied Computer Science in the Digital Educational Environment of the Higher Education Institution
Gallini Nadezhda Igorevna
90-99 Pedagogical Sciences
Marine Specialist’s Information Security Culture and Its Formation Conditions
Zhestovskii Aleksandr Georgievich, Okolot Denis Yaroslavovich, Rudinskiy Igor Davidovich
100-107 Pedagogical Sciences
Soft Skills Formation in Students Pursuing an Undergraduate Degree in the Field of Nature Conservancy by Means of Online Educational Environmental Projects
Zimireva Ekaterina Nikolaevna
108-115 Pedagogical Sciences
Rational Techniques for Memorising Foreign Language Vocabulary in the System of University Students’ Specialised Training: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
Kiryushina Olga Victorovna
116-124 Pedagogical Sciences
Professional Competence of Primary School Teachers Implementing Chess Education Programmes
Konevskikh Olesya Vladimirovna
125-130 Pedagogical Sciences
Characterising the Multidimensional Nature of the "Pedagogical Control" Definition Using Content Analysis and Cluster Analysis
Senognoeva Nataliya Anatolyevna
131-136 Pedagogical Sciences
Using Multimodal Texts When Training Foreign Language Teachers
Sibgatullina Alfiya Ashrafullovna
137-143 Pedagogical Sciences
Graduate Students’ Self-Education Skill Development through the Organisation of Independent Work in the University E-Learning Environment in the Frame of the Discipline "Business Foreign Language in Professional Activity"
Shirokolobova Anastasia Georgievna, Larionova Julia Sergeevna
144-152 Pedagogical Sciences
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index

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