Analysing A. N. Ostrovsky’s Drama "Without a Dowry" at Literature Lessons in High School from the Perspective of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics
Magadieva Julia Sergeevna, Ibatullina Guzel Murtazovna
Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University
Submitted: 25.01.2022
Abstract. The research aims to determine productive ways of studying A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama "Without a Dowry" in literature lessons from a literary and methodological perspective. The paper considers methodological techniques for analysing the spatial and temporal organisation of the work, identifies the functions of images-chronotopes. Scientific novelty of the research lies in developing recommendations for the interpretation of the text, explaining the connection of the chronotope system with the spiritual and moral content of "Without a Dowry" to students. As a result, it has been proved that the learning and educational potential of the play can be realised fully in the classroom taking into account the peculiarities of the play’s artistic structure.
Key words and phrases: драма А. Н. Островского "Бесприданница", урок литературы, пространственно-временная организация произведения, образ-хронотоп, воспитательный потенциал пьесы, A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama "Without a Dowry", literature lesson, spatial and temporal organisation of a work, image-chronotope, educational potential of a play
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