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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2022. № 4. P. 415-422.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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Sociocultural Competence Formation in Students of Linguistic Universities When Working with a Poetic Text in French as a Part of Analytical Reading Teaching (by the Example of ?mile Nelligan’s Poem "Winter Evening")

Miroshnichenko Svetlana Alekseevna
Russian State Hydrometeorological University

Submitted: 05.04.2022
Abstract. The study aims to present a scientifically grounded set of techniques and exercises for sociocultural competence formation in philology students when teaching analytical reading of a foreign-language poetic text from the perspective of a competence approach, which contributes to the expansion of students’ vocabulary, mastery of the basics of foreign-language poetic text analysis, involves dictionary work, including independent work. The set of techniques and exercises presented in the paper was developed by its author on the basis of "Winter Evening" ("Soir d’hiver"), an authentic text by the Canadian poet of the XX century ?mile Nelligan, and can be successfully used to teach analytical reading to university students as a part of familiarisation with the culture of a target-language country and the mentality of native speakers of the target language. It is important to note that sociocultural competence is an obligatory component of communicative competence and is directed at avoiding misunderstandings in interpersonal communication. Currently, the term "sociocultural competence" still requires clarification of the essence of the concept. Scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying a list of skills, techniques, exercises aimed at sociocultural competence formation in philology students. As a result, it has been proved that the use of the set of techniques and exercises contributes to acquisition of linguistic and sociocultural knowledge about target-language countries by students of a linguistic university, as well as practical mastery of the French language in the process of teaching analytical reading to students.
Key words and phrases: социокультурная компетенция, студенты-филологи, аналитическое чтение, иноязычный поэтический текст, обучение французскому языку в вузе, sociocultural competence, philology students, analytical reading, foreign-language poetic text, French language teaching at university
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