The conceptual model of digital historical quantorium: Methods of designing the additional educational environment for teaching History
Belyaev Dmitriy Anatolevich, Frolova Nataliya Alekseevna, Terletskiy Aleksey Sergeevich
Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shan
Submitted: 09.10.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to model the architecture of the educational environment of the digital historical quantorium. Based on the dynamics of the emergence and the experience of profiling quantoriums, the article identifies their characteristic subject specialization. The possibility of creating a historical quantorium as a special educational space relevant to modern technoculture is considered. The scientific novelty of the work lies in identifying three educational clusters of the digital historical quantorium – video gaming, virtual reality, and augmented reality. Specific screen-digital educational activities are also modelled and serve as forms of teaching various aspects of History. The research resulted in the formation of a conceptual technological understanding of the possible clusters of the digital historical quantorium. Besides, a methodological toolkit for working in this educational environment was outlined, which can complement and update modern practices and approaches to the study of History.
Key words and phrases: исторический кванториум, дополнительное образование, социально-гуманитарный кванториум, историческое образование, цифровизация образования, интерактивная история, IT-история, historical quantorium, additional educational, social sciences and humanities quantorium, IT history, historical education, digitization of education, interactive history
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