Podol’skaya Kseniya Sergeevna
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 08.04.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to the dialogue between classical sculpture and an exhibition of modern art. The author highlights the art practice of environment, which became particularly popular in the second half of the XX - early XXI century as the main tool for creating the artistic synthesis of classical sculpture and exposition, which leads to the appearance of special immersive spaces. As a part of the study, several exhibition projects are considered, which have included samples of sculptures from past eras in their conceptions. The study identifies the features of the synthesis of the old and the new in art within the framework of exhibition and museum activity, analyses approaches to the creation of a temporary exhibition, examines the peculiarities of the relationship of classical art of sculpture and modern works in the single artistic field.
Key words and phrases: скульптура, выставка, художественный музей, куратор, постмодернизм, энвайронмент, sculpture, exhibition, art museum, curator, postmodernism, environment
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