Hieroglyph as an Element of Ritual Language in Antonin Artaud’s Theatre
Shalganov Roman Dmitrievich, Karelin Vladislav Mikhailovitch
Russian State University for the Humanities
Submitted: 27.07.2020
Abstract. The paper considers theoretical and philosophical aspects of Antonin Artaud’s theatre symbolic language through the prism of cultural anthropology. The article reveals the content of the notion "hieroglyph" adopted in Artaud’s theatrical conception, analyses the stage director’s intellectual strategies concerning the theatre expressive potential. Scientific originality of the study involves clarifying philosophical and anthropological aspects of Artaud’s theory in the context of cultural anthropology. The research findings are as follows: the authors reveal fundamental nature of Artaud’s theatrical language, show importance of its mytho-ritual aspect.
Key words and phrases: Антонен Арто, иероглиф, театр, миф, язык, Antonin Artaud, hieroglyph, theatre, myth, language
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