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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2020. № 9. P. 104-109.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philosophical Sciences
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Ethnic Entrepreneurship under Current Migration Situation: Experience of the Chinese Diaspora in Russia

Igosheva Marina Anatolievna
Rostov State Transport University

Submitted: 31.07.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal specificity of the Chinese ethnic entrepreneurship in Russia. The article analyses recent official statistics on qualification structure of the Chinese labour migrants, identifies spheres of their entrepreneurial activity under the current migration situation. It is shown that the Chinese entrepreneurial activity in Russia is basically carried out in the sphere of small business, which has ethnic nature. Scientific originality of the study involves analysing ethnic entrepreneurship as a form of economic activity of local communities in foreign cultural space by the example of the Chinese labour migrants. The conclusion is made that ethnic entrepreneurship is an efficient mechanism of migrants’ economic adaptation in the recipient society.
Key words and phrases: этническая идентичность, этническое предпринимательство, миграционные процессы, диаспора, адаптации мигрантов, ethnic identity, ethnic entrepreneurship, migration processes, diaspora, migrants’ adaptation
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