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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2020. № 9. P. 179-187.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Study of Art
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Piano Jazz in the XX Century: Main Styles and Development Trends

Ogorodova Alena Vladimirovna, Ovcharov Igor' Vladimirovich, Orshanskaya Elena Ivanovna
Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture

Submitted: 27.07.2020
Abstract. The study aims to analyse piano jazz of the XX century, to identify the main stages in development of this kind of performing art, as well as to determine what kind of impact various cultural and musical traditions had on formation of this school. Characterising piano jazz and tracing its multifaceted history, the authors identify the main styles involved in performing on this instrument. Scientific novelty of the research lies in presenting a classification of styles and development trends that defined development of piano jazz in the XX century. As a result, it was proved that evolution of piano jazz in the XX century took place between two contradictory lines of development: the first one was built on rich piano traditions, the second one denied them and was based on features peculiar to the wind performing school. Simultaneous existence of such different artistic concepts determined formation of sophisticated and diverse jazz piano music.
Key words and phrases: фортепианный джаз, рэгтайм, блюз, гарлемское страйд-пиано, буги-вуги, свинг, бибоп, кул-джаз, барокко-джаз, хард-боп, фанк, фри-джаз, джаз-рок, фьюжн, piano jazz, ragtime, blues, Harlem stride piano, boogie-woogie, swing, bebop, cool jazz, baroque jazz, hard bop, funk, free jazz, jazz rock, fusion
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