Parish Registers of the XVIII Century as Source on Genealogy of the Russian Provincial Town Population (by the Example of Kolomna)
Kirichenko Vadim Yur’evich
State University of Humanities and Social Studies
Submitted: 21.02.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the origin, composition and reliability of the content of the collection containing Kolomna’s parish registers which cover the period from 1737 to 1799. The article sheds light on the locations where the collection is stored, many of which are identified for the first time, systematises the registers, ascertains the status of the record extract of the 1737-1778 copies and reveals specific features of parish registration in Kolomna. Scientific novelty of the study lies in carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the annual composition and parish nature of the registers, as well as the genealogical information of the registers’ entries. As a result, the researcher proved that it is possible to compile a database of Kolomna’s tradespeople with distribution by yards and parishes, supplemented by pedigree charts of more than 300 families.
Key words and phrases: архивные источники, генеалогия, метрические книги XVIII в, коломенское купечество, archival sources, genealogy, parish registers of the XVIII century, Kolomna merchantry
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