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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2021. № 7. P. 1305-1314.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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Reflection of the Merchants’ Social Status Dynamics in Confessional Registers of Kolomna in the XVIII Century

Kirichenko Vadim Yur’evich
State University of Humanities and Social Studies

Submitted: 21.05.2021
Abstract. The article clarifies the features peculiar to the hierarchical structure of the lists of parishioners among urban (merchant) population in confessional registers of Kolomna during the 1743-1799 period. It is the first time that urban parishes of Kolomna are characterised according to their class structure. Dating back to the reign of Peter the Great, each tradespeople (merchant) family was assigned to a certain parish by their last name. Depending on relationship of each family with the clergy, on whether they held any ranks or posts, confessional registers make it possible to trace dynamics of the families’ movement vertically (according to the rank, post, care for a parish church) and horizontally (forced transfer of families between parishes). Possession of large capital and real estate did not affect the position of a family. An analysis of the confessional registers from the proposed standpoint opens new opportunities for clarifying the Russian merchants’ social status dynamics in the XVIII century.
Key words and phrases: архивные источники, генеалогия, исповедные росписи XVIII в, коломенское купечество, история семьи, archival sources, genealogy, confessional registers of the XVIII century, Kolomna merchants, family history
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