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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2021. № 9. P. 1757-1759.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Study of Art
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The Russian Musical Art of the Early XX Century: Preamble

Demchenko Aleksandr Ivanovich
International Center of Complex Artistic Research, Saratov State Conservatory

Submitted: 10.08.2021
Abstract. Editor-in-Chief’s Column has accomplished publication of a large series of artistic-historical essays "Artwork Directions" which consecutively considered the major epochs. These reviews aim to outline the humanity’s evolution panorama through the lens of all the art forms resulting in ontological generalisation. Ancient World, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Enlightenment, Romanticism, Post-Romanticism, Modernity I (Early ХХ Century), Modernity II (Middle of ХХ Century), Modernity III (Late ХХ Century), Postmodernity, and, as an afterword, "golden age" of the Russian artistic culture were examined. Now we’d like to present one more cycle of essays covering native musical art of the turn and beginning of the XX century as an attempt to comprehend what was happening with the world and the man at the historic turning point from the era of the New to the Newest Time.
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  1. Aristotel'. Poetika // Aristotel'. Sochineniya: v 4-kh t. M.: Mysl', 1983. T. 4. S. 128-197.
  2. Muzyka. Kul'tura. Chelovek. Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Ural'skogo universiteta, 1988. Vyp. 1. 208 s.

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