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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2021. № 9. P. 1902-1907.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philosophical Sciences
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Modernization Theory and World-Systems Approach as Methodological Principles of Understanding the Historical Experience and the Current State of Russia

Berezuyev Evgeny Anatolyevich
Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University

Submitted: 15.08.2021
Abstract. The aim of the study is determined by significant changes in the modern cultural and civilizational space of Russia in the neo-post-Soviet period, which makes it necessary to analyse social and cultural processes using the developments of modernization schools and a world-system approach. The article presents another attempt to conduct a comparative analysis of two scientific schools - the world-systems approach and the theory of modernization in order to develop the understanding of the place and role of Russia in the dialogue of modern societies. The scientific originality lies in the fact that the study reveals the most important historical reasons that determined the position of Russia on the semi-periphery of the modern capitalist world. The divergence and inconsistency of the reforms carried out by the state for external reasons have become a factor hindering the development of the country. Anti-modernization sentiments of the elite and the population have a negative tendency towards archaization and conservation of social structures and socio-economic processes. As a result, it has been proved that anti-modernization sentiments make it possible to preserve the reform potential exclusively in the state, which makes certain moral demands on the representatives of the ruling elite.
Key words and phrases: мир-система, мир-империя, мир-экономика, модернизация, демодернизация, world-system, world-empire, world-economy, modernization, demodernization
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