The Causes and Specificity of Miriskusniks’ Artistic Tradition Revival at the End of the XX - the Beginning of the XXI Century
Popov Alexei Valentinovich
Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Submitted: 01.08.2021
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to identify the causes of Miriskusniks’ (members of the artistic movement "Mir Iskusstva" (1898-1927)) artistic tradition revival among domestic painters, to reveal the specificity of this process. By the example of A. A. Mylnikov’s and A. V. Khvastunova’s creative works the researcher analyzes the existing approaches to using figurative language associated with Art Nouveau style. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author identifies the specificity of pre-revolutionary artistic tradition representation in visual art of the end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century. As a result, it is shown that Miriskusniks’ artistic tradition revival can be explained by the existence of collective memories about Russian Silver Age and Art Nouveau style.
Key words and phrases: художник Андрей Мыльников, художник Алла Хвастунова, Мир искусства, Голубая роза, стиль модерн, "Blue Rose", painter Andrei Mylnikov, painter Alla Khvastunova, "Mir Iskusstva", Art Nouveau style
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