M. A. Zakharov’s Production "Cruel Games" (Lenkom Theatre, 1979): Genre, Plot, Composition, Way of Actor’s Existence
Ryaposov Alexandr Yuryevich
Russian Institute of Art History
Submitted: 15.07.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal staging techniques used by M. A. Zakharov in his production "Cruel Games" (Lenkom Theatre, 1979). Relying on the analysis of Zakharov’s production the researcher identifies the components of its scenic poetics, such as genre, plot, composition, acting style, etc. Scientific originality of the study involves the problem formulation itself - the author analyzes Zakharov’s staging techniques, identifies the peculiarities of his directorial methodology. As a result, it is proved that "Cruel Games" is a programmed production, a vivid manifestation of Zakharov’s directorial methodology.
Key words and phrases: М. А. Захаров, социальная мелодрама, аттракцион, социальное амплуа, игровой театр, M. A. Zakharov, social melodrama, attraction, social role, fiction theatre
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