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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2021. № 9. P. 1787-1792.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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State Policy and the Muslim Community Revival in Mari El in the 1990s

Efremov Evgeny Nikolaevich
Mordovia State Pedagogical University named after M. E. Evseviev

Submitted: 09.08.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal the state policy role in the Muslim community revival in the 1990s. The author determines peculiarities of the authorities and the Muslim community interaction on reviving the latter within the subject matter of the article and on the basis of the sources of the State Archives of the Mari El Republic, which are for the first time introduced into scientific use, and herein lies novelty of the research. As a result, it has been proved that such components of Muslim revival in Mari El as the regional muftiate establishment and mosque building were realized owing to the local authorities’ support in the second half of the 1990s.
Key words and phrases: государственная политика, ислам, конфессии, мусульманская община, Республика Марий Эл, state policy, Islam, confessions, Muslim community, Mari El Republic
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