Developing Spatial Thinking of Engineering and Technical Profile Students While Studying Geometrical Applications of Multiple Integrals
Golysheva Svetlana Pavlovna
Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevsky
Submitted: 30.04.2020
Abstract. The research objective includes developing methodology to study the topic "Geometrical Applications of Multiple Integrals" with a view to form spatial thinking of engineering and technical profile students. An analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem testifies to the absence of universal methodology to study this branch of mathematics at higher education institutions. Causes of students’ low "geometrical" competence are revealed. Scientific originality of the paper involves developing stage-by-stage methodology to study the topic "Geometrical Applications of Multiple Integrals", which includes tasks aimed to systematize previously acquired knowledge and skills. The conducted research allows identifying intra-disciplinary and interdisciplinary relations of geometry with allied academic disciplines within fields of study 13.03.01 "Heat Power Engineering and Heat Engineering", 13.03.02 "Electrical and Power Engineering", 35.03.06 "Agricultural Engineering". The developed methodology allows systematization of previously studied theoretical and practical material on plane and spatial geometry, helps to ascertain correlation of newly introduced and previously studied material, promotes development of logical and spatial thinking of engineering and technical profile students.
Key words and phrases: пространственное мышление, студенты инженерно-технических направлений, геометрические приложения кратных интегралов, геометрия, математика, spatial thinking, engineering and technical profile students, geometrical applications of multiple integrals, geometry, mathematics
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