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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2023. № 4. P. 337-343.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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Guidelines for designing a working programme for character building in the context of updated federal state educational standards

Lozovitskaya Alyona Andreevna, Sapozhnikova Yuliya Andreevna
Taganrog Institute named after A. P. Chekhov (branch) of RSEU (RINH)

Submitted: 22.02.2023
Abstract. The study aims to present the main theoretical and practice-oriented aspects of designing the character building system of modern secondary schools based on the identification of problematic aspects in the development of a working programme for character building at schools, including taking into account the requirements contained in the updated federal state educational standards of primary general and basic general education. The paper reveals the main practical difficulties that the management teams of secondary schools may face when developing and implementing working programmes for character building; based on regulatory legal acts, the authors’ vision of how to resolve these problems is presented. The scientific novelty lies in the identification and justification of the main directions of improving the character building system at schools through the refinement and improvement of working programmes for character building. As a result, the possible didactic potential of consolidation of educational institutions for improving educational, methodological and practical character building work has been revealed.
Key words and phrases: воспитание, воспитательная работа, рабочая программа воспитания, примерная программа воспитания, календарный план воспитательной работы, муниципальная система образования, character building, character building work, working programme for character building, exemplary programme for character building, calendar plan of character building work, municipal education system
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