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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2021. № 9. P. 1817-1821.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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Zemstvo and Its Activities on the Pages of Regional Publications (by the Materials of Vyatka Governorate)

Subbotina Anna Mikhailovna
Udmurt Federal Research Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Submitted: 02.08.2021
Abstract. The study aims to determine the composition and nature of the materials about the zemstvo in print publications of Vyatka Governorate in the 1860s-1910s in the context of their impact on the local community. Scientific novelty lies in the integrated approach to the question of which facets of the zemstvo work received coverage in the regional press. This allows the researcher to discover new aspects both in the activities of the zemstvos and in their reflection in the public consciousness of the epoch. As a result, it has been proved that zemstvo self-government bodies in the region extensively published summarising writings, their own newspaper, materials in "Vyatskie Gubernskie Vedomosti" and other periodicals to inform the population and promote their ideas on how to organise the zemstvo work and improve the life of the population.
Key words and phrases: земство, земское самоуправление, газета, периодическая печать, земские издания, zemstvo, zemstvo self-government, newspaper, periodical press, zemstvo publications
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