The Role of Foreign Flutists of Imperial Mariinsky Theatre in the Formation of Domestic Flute School in the XIX Century
Lupachev Denis Vyacheslavovich
Saint Petersburg Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov
Submitted: 09.06.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the role of foreign flutists-soloists of Imperial Mariinsky Theatre in the formation of domestic flute school in the XIX century. Only foreign musicians could acquire the rank of soloist which guaranteed high salary, certain privileges and an undoubted authority and presupposed the obligation to provide educational activities. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author for the first time reveals the factors that determined the prevalence of German performance traditions in Saint Petersburg flute art of the XIX century. As a result, it is shown that foreign flutists of Mariinsky Theatre contributed to the development of domestic flute performing art, laid the foundations of domestic flute teaching methodology.
Key words and phrases: Императорский (Мариинский) театр, солисты-флейтисты, Г. Зусман, Ц. Чиарди, Э. Келлер, Imperial Mariinsky Theatre, flutists-soloists, H. Soussmann, C. Ciardi, E. K?hler
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