Methodology of Using Video Materials When Teaching the English Vocabulary on the Theme "School Days" to 3rd-Grade Pupils
Parfenova Svetlana Olegovna, Nagornaya Nadezhda Andreevna
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 20.04.2020
Abstract. The research objective includes justification and approbation of methodology of working with video materials when teaching the English vocabulary on the theme "School Days" to 3rd-grade pupils. The article considers the following issues: criteria for choosing video materials, theoretical conceptions, methodological and general didactic principles of foreign language teaching. The paper proposes the authors’ original methodology of using video materials to teach the English vocabulary on the theme "School Days" to 3rd-grade pupils. Scientific originality of the study involves developing methodology of using video materials when forming junior pupils’ English-language lexical competence. The research findings are as follows: relying on theoretical and applied studies, the authors develop a series of lessons aimed to form junior pupils’ foreign-language lexical skills.
Key words and phrases: видеоматериалы, формирование иноязычных лексических навыков, School Days, урок английского языка, младшие школьники, video materials, forming foreign-language lexical skills, "School Days", English lesson, junior pupils
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