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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2020. № 4. P. 492-498.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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Developing a Course of Linguistic and Local History Orientation for Foreign Students at Short-Term Courses of Russian as a Foreign Language

Pisar Nadezhda Vladimirovna, Dronova Anastasiya Leonidovna, Agulnik Ekaterina Sergeevna
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Submitted: 02.06.2020
Abstract. The research objective includes developing a course of linguistic and local history orientation for teaching Russian as a foreign language at short-term courses in natural linguistic environment on the basis of the communicative and activity approach. The article describes practical experience of creation and approbation of a course of linguistic and local history orientation for foreign students at short-term courses of Russian as a foreign language. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the authors introduce new methodology to create a course of linguistic and local history orientation for foreign students studying Russian as a foreign language, taking into account the communicative and activity approach; results of an experimental approbation indicate that the course helps foreign students to adapt quickly to the Russian language environment and promotes formation of their communicative competence. The research findings are as follows: the authors show how the use of educational material containing linguistic and local history information promotes formation of students’ communicative competence; the paper presents a course of linguistic and local history orientation for foreign students at short-term courses of Russian as a foreign language, justifies efficiency of the course in promoting foreign students’ sociocultural adaptation in the Russian language environment and in forming their communicative competence.
Key words and phrases: конструирование учебного курса, краткосрочные курсы русского языка, лингвокраеведческая направленность, коммуникативно-деятельностный подход, коммуникативная компетенция, developing an educational course, short-term courses of Russian as a foreign language, linguistic and local history orientation, communicative and activity approach, communicative competence
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