Formation of the Term "Care" in the Context of Pedagogical Science
Volodin Vladimir Vladimirovich
Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 27.04.2020
Abstract. The research objective includes identifying specificity of formation and evolution of the term "care" in the context of pedagogical science. The first stage of the research is devoted to analysing interpretation of care in ancient human-centred philosophy. In the final part of the article, the author analyses interpretation of this term in modern studies where the notion "care" acquires a complicated, well-structured philosophical and pedagogical content. Special attention is paid to defining the term "care for oneself" as a key notion within this subject area. Scientific originality of the study involves a comprehensive analysis of formation and evolution of the term "care" in the context of pedagogical science, from antiquity to modernity. The research findings are as follows: it is proved that the term "care", from the moment of its origin, has been undergoing permanent transformations acquiring a deeper, multidimensional meaning; this process has a significant impact on development of modern pedagogical thought.
Key words and phrases: термин "забота", педагогическая наука, философия, "забота о себе", античные философы, Новейшее время, педагогическая мысль, term "care", pedagogical science, philosophy, "care for oneself", ancient philosophers, contemporary history, pedagogical thought
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